Sunday, April 28, 2013

sunday snapshot: daily photos week 16

Our pastor baptized his son on Sunday. 
It was a very sweet moment.

A fun horse that belongs to a sweet neighbor and friend

photoless day

This girl can talk. 
She's so talky she needs two phones at once.

I couldn't get this song out of my head on Thursday.
Want to be Real by Chris August

My sweet Todd turned eight on Friday. 

CinderMegan is on her way to a princess party.

Ni Hao Yall

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

i heart faces: friendship challenge

battle hymn of the tiger mother

Last year my friend read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua and thought I would like it.  She was right.  It was fascinating.  I'm not sure why, though.  Maybe it's the kind of fascination one would get watching a train wreck.  So incredulous that it is hard to look away, but such a disater also.

Amy Chua is an American born daughter of two Chinese immigrants.  Her mother raised her the "Chinese way" and she's determined to do that with her daughters.  The greatest fear in her life is that her daughters will suffer the generational decline that other second generation Chinese Americans endure.  How she puts it here:
     "The next generation (her daughters' generation) is the one I spend nights lying awake worrying about.  Because of the hard work of their parents and grandparents, this generation will be born into the great comforts of the upper middle class.  Even as children they will own many hardcover books (an almost criminal luxury from the point of view of immigrant parents).  They will have wealthy friends who get paid for B-pluses.  They may or may not attend private schools, but in either case they wll expect expensive brand-name clothes.  Fianlly and most problematically, they will feel that they have individual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and therefore be much more likely to disobey their parents and ignore carer advice.  In short, all factors piont to this generation being headed straight for decline"
She grits her teeth and by sheer determination and domination demands from her daughters excellence.  She goes into the trenches with them and is their comandeer in every area of life.  There's no part of her daughters' lives that is not under her control.

Here are some of her rules for her daughters:

There were not allowed to attend a sleepover, have a playdate, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch TV or play computer games, choose their own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than an A, not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama, play any instrument other than the piano or violin, not play the piano or violin.

Her oldest daughter played the piano and would practice daily for hours with her mother hovering over her, sometimes instructing her, sometimes insulting her, and sometimes yelling at her, but never encouraging her.
An example of actual things she said to her daughter during piano practice.
"OMG, you're just getting worse and worse."
"I'm going to count to three, and then I want musicality!"
"If the next time's not PERFECT, I'm going to TAKE ALL YOUR STUFFED ANIMALS AND BURN THEM!"

Her younger daughter played wasn't as compliant as her oldest daughter. They fought each other constantly about her playing the violin.


nail salon

Monday, April 22, 2013

Photo a Day, Seth's birthday edition

Last week, during all the chaos of what happened in Boston and West, we had a few very good events to celebrate.  I'm thankful for those.  My husband's company won a contract that he labored to help write at the beginning of the year,  our Seth's 11th birthday and a sweet friend who was offered a job perfectly suited for her.  I'm so thankful that often God gives the good with the bad.  He knows our frame, what we are made of and what we can handle.

For He Himself knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are but dust.

                                 Psalm 103:14
   sunday...working on water balloons

  and winning

Seth loves critters, especially slimy ones.  I won't be surprised if he becomes a herpatologist when he grows up.

                   wednesday...Seth making cookies
                            One of Seth's sections in his TNT (AWANA) book required him to
                            do something nice for someone else.  One suggestion in the book 
                            was to make cookies for the Cubbies class.  Seth decided that was
                            the right plan for him.  Megan really liked it too, because she's in
                            the Cubbies class.

   Friday...Seth's 11th birthday, him with his Pokemon cards
How has it been eleven years?  I just can't believe it.  Seth, you are forever my big lug.  I love you so much and I'm so proud of you.

   saturday...another small group baby is on the way.
It was a wonderful day for a baby shower.  I'm so excited for Ashley and Kevin and little baby Travis who is due very soon.  And it was a pleasure to spend a few hours with all these ladies that I love from the small group Keith and I host. 

Ni Hao Yall

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

crawfish etouffee like Maw Maw used to make

We had a little party this weekend with lots of crawfish.  And we had some leftover crawfish.  And I don't love crawfish, but my dear husband does.
I thought I would make him some crawfish etouffee with those leftovers.  When I started looking for recipes, I noticed many of them used cream of mushroom soup as a base for the sauce (gag).
When I saw the title of this recipe, I knew it was the one I needed to try.

Any recipe with "Maw Maw" in the title, has to be good, right?  It doesn't hurt that it calls for two sticks of butter.  Let's just say I skimped a little on the butter and it didn't hurt the recipe at all.

Crawfish Etouffee like Maw Maw Used to Make

Here are some of my ingredients....
and here it is..I even like it and I don't like crawfish.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

mostly a photo a day: week 15

Monday...Megan watching her stories.

 cone day!



Wednesday...A vacation resort for lizards by Kyle and Seth.




Friday...was so nice that I opened the windows.

Saturday...that means soccer!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

This week in photos April 1-6

sunday:  I know how much you guys needed a laugh right now.  One of the Easter outtakes.


tuesday:  I assisted my friend on another newborn shoot.  This is the only one I took.  I can't wait to see what Ginny Henderson did with these photos.

wednesday:  Megan drew a picture of can see the resemblance, big smile & a hat.

thursday:  The cutest unicorn in the world...besides a couple of ASL teachers I know.

friday:  Chupa Chups are hands down, the yummiest lollipops I've ever tasted. 

saturday:  The start of what may be the craziest soccer season ever experienced by a family.
We've got three players at two different fields.  I think every week, we're going to have two kids playing at the same time.  We're going to have to divide and conquer the next six weeks.
I don't like to miss any of their games. At least I was able to watch them all play a little during their first games of the season.
We didn't start off too hot.  Nobody's team won.  But they played hard, and I'm proud of that.

Ni Hao Yall

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

In my mind, Easter is the most important holiday of the year.  Christ's death on the cross took care of our sin problem, and Christ's Resurrection took care of death for us.  Usually, I spend all week getting ready for it.  Talking to the children, reading books, doing activities.  We got a late start this year and spent Saturday catching up.  This year we received a set of real Resurrection Eggs. (Thank you!)  In the past I've used a set I made and it was good, but the real set and the booklet that goes with it is so much better.  We took them out Saturday morning and read through half of them.  Then finished the other half that evening.  The kids loved them.  I was really surprised at how much of the story Megan could tell us.
We also do Easter baskets on Saturday.  So that they don't take away from the importance of Easter Sunday.
We dyed eggs also.  It's only the second time we've done that as a family and it was Megan's first.  The whole process was very fun. 

 In the first egg, was the donkey.

Checking out the crown of thorns

 Crown of thorns, whip, praying hands, cup, donkey.  We did the last six eggs after dinner.

Waiting for a surprise


 As soon as we dyed our eggs, we peeled them and ate them for lunch.

Saturday was a good preparation day for us.  Sunday's service at church was a celebration of all Jesus Christ did for us.  I'm so thankful for a Lord like that.

Ready for church Easter Sunday