Sunday, June 10, 2012


Obstacles. We planned to turn in the paperwork for our kids' passports yesterday.  We ran into some obstacles.  One kid got a stomach bug,  one post office didn't process passports,  the second one only did passports between certain hours (not at the time we were there, of course!) I let those obstacles create blame which fueled some anger.  I was getting angry with Keith, I was getting angry with myself, I was thankful we were driving separate cars.  But on the way home I remembered, that our struggle  is not against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12).  I have no right to be angry at keith or myself about a few obstacles, but that's what the enemy would want me to do. So I let go of the anger and we will just try again another day with the passports. P.S. this is my first blog from my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Four trips to the post office altogether, be we did it. Our first real step towards Brazil.
