Monday, September 17, 2012

preparation part two

I'm much convicted about the last preparation post.  It's so us-centered and about what we want to get out of this.  We are going to serve.  So, if you will, pray for us to be emptied out in Brazil and by some means that through us God would meet their needs.  Pray for them who are constantly giving up the familiar and comfortable to be used by God to teach and transform others.  Pray that when we leave Brazil, that we will be spent and they will be encouraged, filled up, and ready to continue in the mission God has given them.  And thanks for praying for us and them.

We want to come home like this...used up for Him and them.


  1. We are definitely praying for your family! I hope you are able to blog while you're there!!!

  2. We'll be praying for you! We are so excited to see what God does through you and in your family during this trip!
