Monday, November 28, 2011

validation, encouragment, and catalyst

I just finished reading a most excellent book just yesterday.  I've never read a book that spoke more to who I am right now.  And that is a keeper of this home.  I am a mother.  I stay at home.  I keep this home.  I care for this family.  That is what I do.  I thought this book would be dull because of the topic, but I was wrong.  Margaret Kim Peterson validated exactly what I do everyday.  She expelled the thought of this life as drudgery or slave labor, the dregs that nobody wants to do and showed how beautiful this life can be.  How provisional my life is.  How reflective of the Father, my life can be.  So I walk away from this book validated.  I walk away encouraged.  And this book has become a catalyst to me to urge me on to more and more of this work that I do, happily, hopefully, lovingly. 
Not that I attained that today, but tomorrow is a new day.
If you are a woman who keeps her home, this book is waiting to bless you.
Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life

1 comment:

  1. You have a fabulous message to tell. I think this is almost a lost art. There are too many pulls on a wife and a mother that take her away from her home. Those minutes, hours, days, and weeks can never be regained by her. They are lost forever. You are doing a wonderful job and we are so proud of you.
