Saturday, February 23, 2013

photo a day: week 8

Anyone else amazed that we have already used up eight weeks of this year.
There are only forty-four weeks left.
Use them wisely. 
For us, this week was FULL.
It was a distinct honor and a first for me to be asked to photograph this little man's birth.
Monday was President's Day and Keith had the day off.  We went on a field trip to aquarium and rain forest pyramids at Moody Gardens. 
Megan was playing outside and went over to the kitchen window to get my attention. 
Then she got a little silly.
She's just about a year and a half old.
I remember dressing up like this when I was a little girl. 
This is the evidence that our house has been invaded by a bunch of boys. 
There is a youth discipleship event this weekend and ours is a host home.
Today I met a friend at the park to take Easter pictures of her kids. 
My hooligans tagged along and "cracked" eggs on each other while they waited. 

Ni Hao Yall

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunday Snapshot: photo a day week 7

What a long week!  What a fun week with three things to celebrate! 
1.  We made it to and through the 100th day of school.
2.  We had a fun Valentine's Day party with our church friends.
3.  We celebrated Keith's birthday.

Here's our week in photos.

Sunday:  This day was a very rainy day.  I ended up staying home from church with Todd because he felt sick to his stomach.  This is a picture of a plant that my friend Jenny gave to for my birthday last year.  I stuck it in the ground right here by our front door and it has done so well there. 


Monday:   A few weeks ago while we were in Kroger Seth told me that he had found what he wanted to give me for Valentine's Day.  Keith took him on Sunday and he came back with these flowers and a box of chocolates that he surprised me with on Thursday.  He is such a sweet and thoughtful boy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

happy valentine's day

Originally I had other plans for our Valentine's Day photo shoot. I had this idea about the Helen Hall Library and these red chairs they have in the reading area and some stacks of books. It was really cute in my head.  But it didn't matter. I didn't get that far.  I made this doily bunting out of my Grandma's doilies and I made Megan a cute outfit and it all came together one day really quickly, but we weren't at the library with red chairs and books.  But that's ok.  I'm not too sure how the Helen Hall would feel about all that anyway.

All of that to say we wish you a very happy Valentine's Day!

 We love you, but maybe not each other.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Snapshot: photo a day, week six

This photo a day thing is fun.  But sometimes I forget until way late in the day.  Then I get a photo of the hubs during the Superbowl or the stack of new soccer shoes in their boxes that are ready and waiting for the spring season to start. Sometimes I plan out what photo I'm going to take the next day, but rarely do I end up using it for the day's photo .  Invariable there's a different one that I love more. 
Enough they are.

Sunday - Keith during the Superbowl
Monday - Megan and her video camera
Tuesday - The clean dishes
Wednesday - Three pair of soccer shoes and one pair of shin guards


  Thursday - Seth working on school in the very, very messy school room. Most of the mess is on the left outside of the camera frame. :)

Friday - Todd made a city of Jericho and Megan was Rahab.  See the red string he put in her window?  Yep, she's gonna be saved.  By the way, I'm pretty sure Todd doesn't know Rahab was a harlot, and, especially, what a harlot is.

Saturday - Todd and the King Cake. 
Thanks to the King Cake we all got a little lesson on the Lenten season.
Ni Hao Yall

Thursday, February 7, 2013

doily bunting

My grandma, Daisy, really loved to crochet.  She never crocheted hats or scarves or anything like that.  She crocheted doilies.  I am very thankful to have received many doilies from her before she passed away and some afterwards.  Some of them are favorites of mine because of their shape or the texture of the crochet thread.  Those are untouchable, never to be used on a project, but occasionally displayed.  However, I have so many other doilies from her, that I didn't feel bad using them for a fun project.

Recently I stumbled upon the idea of a bunting made from doilies.  I realized how simple it would be to make and decided to do it right away.  All I needed was several of Grandma's doilies and double fold bias tape.  I cut the doilies in half and arranged them in a pattern.  I pinned them in the bias tape and made sure to capture all the cut edges in my seam.  I really love how it turned out.  It's perfect.  And It's a super fun photo prop.  I'm also thinking it would be cute strung across my bedroom wall just over the bed. 

Don't you love my Grandma's name?  Aren't botanical names the best?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

God speaks

God speaks.
He really does.
He speaks in different ways.
Sometimes it's right from a sermon.
Or maybe from a verse he brings back to your mind at just the right moment.
Or even from a sweet friend who speaks Truth and encouragement to you.
He speaks.

Recently I was really mad at someone.  This person had said something hurtful to me a few months ago.  I tried to get over, but not very hard.  Then the same person did it again a couple of weeks ago.  I was mad again.  This time I was even madder and it was not only about the most recent offense, but about the first one as well.  The night it happened I had a hard time falling asleep.  I ended up praying and asking God to speak to me.  This is what He gave me.

"Love keeps no record of wrongs"

Right out of His word from 1 Corinthians 13:5.  And He wasn't yelling it at me or trying to make me feel guilty.  It was a gentle reminder of a truth that I needed to embrace.  To let go of those things that anger me and to love this person.  Not saying this is going to be easy, but I need to try.

And it inspired me to make a reminder to hang on my wall and to read everyday. 

i heart faces: LOVE challenge

Submitted to the i heart faces love-themed February challenge.

Photo Challenge Submission

Sunday, February 3, 2013

sunday snapshot: WEEK 5


I'm amazed at how much I'm enjoying this photo-a-day challenge. I'm photographing more everyday moments. Those are the moments that make up my life and the ones I want to document and remember.

Ni Hao Yall