Wednesday, March 28, 2012

drive-in movie night

We love AWANAs.  From a mom's perspective, I love how much Bible my children learn as they work through their books.  I love how the books get more challenging as the children get older.  I love how much I learn because of my children's AWANA books.  This week was Drive-In Movie Night.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

bluebonnets take 2

I wasn't happy with how little girl's bluebonnet pictures turned out so she and I went back on our own.  I am much happier with these.  I guess not having two big bubbies with us really helped. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

roly poly conference

I think the roly polies are having their annual conference in our back yard.  They are abundant.  Muffy has even eaten several.  I hope they don't make her puke.  Dog puke is gross.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


My friend, Alissa, recommended
this book to me about a week ago.  I happened across it at the library on Thursday and read it last night. 
This book tells the story of two individuals that are separated by 50 years in time, but are  remarkably connected.  One story is told in words.  The other is told in illustrations.  The book is an increbile concept and it was put together in an amazing way to tell the stories, which become a story.

Some thoughts from the book that struck me.
There is a museum theme throughout the book.  So from that: 
Curate your life.
"What would it be like to pick and choose the objects and stories that would go in your own cabinet of wonders?"
In other words, what items represent you?  Your life?  If you had a cabinet to display those things what would be in there?  This reminds me so much of a recent post on Trent Henderson's blog, Thinking Thoughts.  Where his family has a cabinet dedicated to things that remind them of what and how much God has done in their family's life.  I like that.  All of the things I would display in my cabinet are from God.  They all come from Him.   He is good and faithful to me.  To us.

resurrection garden

This is image apparently came from a Melissa Holt's facebook page.
I saw this on pinterest ---------->
about a week ago and I thought,
"Oh that is so awesome.  It looks so hard."  That was that.  Then a few days later I saw Kristen Welch's post on the exact garden on her blog We Are That Family.  I read her "how to" and I realized it was veryeasy.  So we did it!  The kids love it.  So do I!

Here is ours ---------------------->
Our grass should sprout in about a week.

Seth is wetting the dirt so it will stay.

Todd adding the grass seed.

Meg putting in the crosses.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

st. luke's umc

We went to see a fabulous rendition of The Velveteen Rabbit put on by the AD Players Childrens Theater.  Their shows are held in the Rotunda Theater at St. Lukes United Methodist Church.  The church had such lovely grounds that I was very happy I brought my camera.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

the only thing

The only thing that
makes me think
getting this dog is
a good thing is
seeing how much
these boys love her.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i heart faces: beautiful b&w

For the I heart faces photo challenge

Photo Challenge Submission


I think this is a new tradition.  Taking pictures at the blubonnet field.  I can remember that is it usually time to take the pictures around Saint Patrick's Day.  This year, being a tad early, I believe, because the "winter" was so mild.   We had the field to ourselves, I think because we went early in the bloom and early in the day.  School was in session right across the street, which did feel a bit strange.  But then we came home and had a peaceful and complete day of school.  What a blessing.  Yesterday was a very good day.