Sunday, September 30, 2012

nanaland part 2: the f's have it

Oh, I'm a little behind with my blogging.  There's a reason for that. LIFE HERE HAS BEEN A LITTLE CRAZY.  I'm not regretting one bit not signing the kids up for soccer or for art class, or for co-op.  I cannot even imagine.
Here's part two of nanaland featuring some fantastic f's:  firewood, firearms, fishing, fish bait, flowers and a four-wheeler.

Keith rockin' the hat and bow and arrow.

sometimes you have to wait a long time

Nanaland has lots of free fish bait.

Granddaddy probably won't appreciate this picture very much, but, I'm sorry, I just love his expression.
They were going backwards down a hill, with Megan driving, no less.
One more installment of Nanaland coming up.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We had the opportunity to do a little moonlighting while we were in Paris.  Granddaddy borrowed a telescope so we could get a better view and we sat out by the pond one night and soaked up a little moonshine.  
The clouds made it very beautiful.  And it was a blue moon, the second full moon during the month of August, not actually blue, as you can see.  God went to trouble to make it beautiful here, on earth.  Why?  It tells us about who He is.  Function and order are important, but so is beauty.  The earth reflects the glory and the beauty of God and drives us to desire Him.  It drives us to the cross, where we can meet him and become His.

I did a lot of reading about photographs like this.  From what I gather ti's called a ghost moon...and I'm pretty sure it's caused by a reflection from my lens. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

preparation part two

I'm much convicted about the last preparation post.  It's so us-centered and about what we want to get out of this.  We are going to serve.  So, if you will, pray for us to be emptied out in Brazil and by some means that through us God would meet their needs.  Pray for them who are constantly giving up the familiar and comfortable to be used by God to teach and transform others.  Pray that when we leave Brazil, that we will be spent and they will be encouraged, filled up, and ready to continue in the mission God has given them.  And thanks for praying for us and them.

We want to come home like this...used up for Him and them.

Friday, September 14, 2012


We keep praying for God to prepare us for our trip to Brazil.  I think He is answering that prayer.  You know the saying "when it rains, it pours"?  Well, it feels like it's raining and beginning to pour and we're not talking about blessings.  Or maybe just blessings in diguise, because I think these things [could, should] be preparing us for what lies ahead.  Pray for us, if you will.  Pray for us to be prepared, to be flexible, to be willing and, if you will, pray for these things in particular for each member of our family. 

Keith:  Vision, Confidence
Holly:  Faith that God will give her the ability to do what He's called her to do.
Seth:  Security
Todd:  Selflessness
Megan: Protection

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

little lizards

One day last week I grabbed my camera and took Megan outside.  I just needed to get outside and take some photos.  Muffy was snuffing around us.  I was snapping a few of Muffy eating Crepe Mytle seed pods.  Then I saw a great little lizard.  Muffy kept stirring it up.  It crawled out on a banana plant leaf (or at least that is what I think it is).  I took a couple of shots of it and then out of nowhere, another one crawled out on the opposite side of the same leaf.  I couldn't have asked for anything better.  God gave me a little gift of those lizards and I walked back inside afterwards thanking Him for the little lizards in the back yard.

Linking up with Ginny over at 4 U Ruthie
Meg swinging Muffy