Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Oh my.  She's a girly girl.  She's been asking for lipstick for a long time.  I always oblige, but it's usually with a clear chapstick.  This time she found the real thing herself and helped herself.  And I let her.  Isn't every kid supposed to do this kind of thing?  She's my first one to actually do it.

Monday, July 16, 2012


I just recently read The Hunger Games.  Read that as, I just finished book three about fifteen minutes ago.  I know, I am at least six months behind the rest of the world.  I'm ok with that.  I waited until school was out and until my mind was ready.  I started about 4:30 Friday and read the whole weekend away, almost.

What I'm left with is two main things. One, I have a talking point with anyone who has read them.  Something in common with a whole lot of people.  Although, probably not many are still talking about it.  And two, a realization about myself and hunger.  I rarely REALLY feel hunger to an extreme degree. When I do hunger, there's always something nearby to quell it.  Last night I was reading a devotional book to Meg.  It was about when God provided the manna for his people in the wilderness who were hungry.  God always provides what I need.  He never lets me go hungry.  He is SO good to me.  Why?  I don't deserve it.  But He never fails to feed me.  And what do I give Him for it?  A rehearsed grace before each meal?  Do I even think about the words as I'm thanking Him for my food?  But now I will.  I've been thinking about hunger and I'm thanking Him for not leaving me and my family hungry.

Monday, July 2, 2012

two peas

The more time they spend together, the more alike they become.
It's a little scary.