Sunday, September 30, 2012

nanaland part 2: the f's have it

Oh, I'm a little behind with my blogging.  There's a reason for that. LIFE HERE HAS BEEN A LITTLE CRAZY.  I'm not regretting one bit not signing the kids up for soccer or for art class, or for co-op.  I cannot even imagine.
Here's part two of nanaland featuring some fantastic f's:  firewood, firearms, fishing, fish bait, flowers and a four-wheeler.

Keith rockin' the hat and bow and arrow.

sometimes you have to wait a long time

Nanaland has lots of free fish bait.

Granddaddy probably won't appreciate this picture very much, but, I'm sorry, I just love his expression.
They were going backwards down a hill, with Megan driving, no less.
One more installment of Nanaland coming up.


  1. That head shot of Megan looks just like you!

  2. I love the one of Keith with the bow and Arrow.and the one with Todd waiting.
