Monday, April 22, 2013

Photo a Day, Seth's birthday edition

Last week, during all the chaos of what happened in Boston and West, we had a few very good events to celebrate.  I'm thankful for those.  My husband's company won a contract that he labored to help write at the beginning of the year,  our Seth's 11th birthday and a sweet friend who was offered a job perfectly suited for her.  I'm so thankful that often God gives the good with the bad.  He knows our frame, what we are made of and what we can handle.

For He Himself knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are but dust.

                                 Psalm 103:14
   sunday...working on water balloons

  and winning

Seth loves critters, especially slimy ones.  I won't be surprised if he becomes a herpatologist when he grows up.

                   wednesday...Seth making cookies
                            One of Seth's sections in his TNT (AWANA) book required him to
                            do something nice for someone else.  One suggestion in the book 
                            was to make cookies for the Cubbies class.  Seth decided that was
                            the right plan for him.  Megan really liked it too, because she's in
                            the Cubbies class.

   Friday...Seth's 11th birthday, him with his Pokemon cards
How has it been eleven years?  I just can't believe it.  Seth, you are forever my big lug.  I love you so much and I'm so proud of you.

   saturday...another small group baby is on the way.
It was a wonderful day for a baby shower.  I'm so excited for Ashley and Kevin and little baby Travis who is due very soon.  And it was a pleasure to spend a few hours with all these ladies that I love from the small group Keith and I host. 

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Liked the winning shot...great action.

  2. Hey, Holly,

    I love seeing the pictures of your kids and reading about your family adventures. We have family friends in West (who thankfully were spared), but it's difficult hearing about the pain and suffering so many of these families are having to face.

    Seth's adventures added a bright spot to my day and I'm so proud of your family and all that you're accomplishing.

