Saturday, April 6, 2013

This week in photos April 1-6

sunday:  I know how much you guys needed a laugh right now.  One of the Easter outtakes.


tuesday:  I assisted my friend on another newborn shoot.  This is the only one I took.  I can't wait to see what Ginny Henderson did with these photos.

wednesday:  Megan drew a picture of can see the resemblance, big smile & a hat.

thursday:  The cutest unicorn in the world...besides a couple of ASL teachers I know.

friday:  Chupa Chups are hands down, the yummiest lollipops I've ever tasted. 

saturday:  The start of what may be the craziest soccer season ever experienced by a family.
We've got three players at two different fields.  I think every week, we're going to have two kids playing at the same time.  We're going to have to divide and conquer the next six weeks.
I don't like to miss any of their games. At least I was able to watch them all play a little during their first games of the season.
We didn't start off too hot.  Nobody's team won.  But they played hard, and I'm proud of that.

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Love the child without the socks!

    Never heard of that type of lollipop before...might have to try it.

    The newborn in that purple dress...lovely.

  2. The new born shot is outstanding!


  3. Beautiful photography! My favorite is the barefoot little girl.

  4. The Easter outtake made me laugh! I've never had a Chupa Chups lollipop before, but now I want to try one:)
