Wednesday, October 3, 2012


...and on to Arkansas. 
We took a little side trip to Magnolia to meet up with Grammy and Pawpaw. 
It was really nice to see them.
Grandma Daisy's house
Poison Ivy was so prevalent, I had the kids stay on the dirt road just so they wouldn't get exposed to it.

It's been a while since anyone has received mail here.

All these dogs came around when we were there.

We weren't too sure about those dogs....

These dogs really didn't look very good.  Seth wanted to take them into town to see a vet.
I think they might belong to someone out there.

Todd got tired of the photo-taking really quick and kept dodging me after that.

All hot a sweaty after walking some of the land.

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The dogs chased our cards for about a half a mile maybe.

Random fact of the day, my grandparents are buried in the same cemetary
as Keith's great, great grandparents.

Keith's great, great grandfather. 
"He died as he lived - a Christian"

1 comment:

  1. All of the sudden I want to read the Secret Garden...that's what all the over grown stuff makes me think of!

    Did you already know that about your ancestors being buried in the same cemetary?

    What a fabulous heritage Keith has knowing his great, great grandfather was a Christian!
